Join us for a powerful — and completely redesigned — workshop: Advancing Performance Excellence: Baldrige 201, November 9th and November 16th (both 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM CT), online.

Baldrige 201 builds off of Baldrige 101 (Principles of Performance Excellence, by exploring deeper the Baldrige Framework and the Baldrige Criteria for Performance Excellence.  Watch for Baldrige 101 courses in early 2022!

This workshop is HIGHLY recommended for Wisconsin Forward  Award examiners, but it is open to all leaders and professionals wanting to learn more about how Baldrige can improve outcomes, optimize results, and promote better alignment in any organization.

The Baldrige framework provides a systems perspective for continuous improvement and advancing performance excellence. The Baldrige “Criteria for Performance Excellence” reflects the leading edge of validated management practice, against which any organization can measure itself to identify and prioritize improvement opportunities.


Learn more about the course, the session facilitators, and how to register by clicking here.